Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Three Times The Charm

Have you ever seen something at the thrift store, picked it up, then put it back down again?

Only to discover, that after wandering about for a bit, realize you are back in front of said item again?

Of course you pick it up, turn it over, ponder the $4 price tag...

... then put it down once more since it's not really what you were looking for?

You try to put it out of your mind, but your mind figures out exactly where it would look cool after all.

So you head back, telling yourself "if it's still there, it was meant to be".

And there it is, waiting for you...

Or am I the only one?

I doubt it.

Yep, three times is the charm. I knew if I didn't bring this little cutie home, I would regret it.

Sharing with:

The Thrifty Groove


  1. It's adorable and I'm glad it was there when you went back for it. Oh yes, I've done that many times before.

    1. Glad to hear I'm not the only one! I was lucky it was a slow day there... otherwise, it should have been gone!

  2. So cute! I have done that very thing. I've also walked away from a few things that were gone the next day when I went back to "rescue" them! You're gonna enjoy this little guy. Blessings, Patti@OldThingsNew

    1. Thanks Patti! I was happy to have hubby there to confirm it was very old, in perfect condition and he liked it too (which surprised me!).

  3. That happens to me all the time! I've even left thrifts only to return later that day in hopes of what I've left is still there. You made a wise decision to take that sweet fishy vase home.

    1. Aw, thank you Astrid! Now I have a plan when I thrift shop... all the "maybe's" go into my cart. Then I make a final decision (and mental cost total) just before checkout. If I decide not to get something, I go back and put it back on the shelf where I found it. I was lucky that fishie was still there!

  4. I would have picked it up and not put it pack down! I do that all the time with stuff, but this cute little fish would have swam home with me without a second thought. Great find!

    1. Thanks Laurie! You know who I was thinking of when I spotted it.....

      You! I know this is just your style. ;)

  5. Bubbles is adorable. I do that all the time and if I go back for it it is usually there. Either I have weird taste and no one else wants it or it was just waiting for me to bring it home.

    1. "Bubbles!!!" OMG thank you - that is her new name!

      Thank you!

  6. I absolutely hate when I don't listen to my inner self saying you should get this. Good thing you listened...Bubbles is very cute!

    1. Ha! "Bubbles"... still makes me laugh.

      Yes, listening to your inner self is a good thing. I have to remember to do that more often.

      Thanks for popping by Ceekay! Take care.

  7. What a sweet fishy! And yes, Bubbles is the perfect name! I second guess myself all the time. You were fortunate to have the opportunity to go back. My friend recently regretted her decision to pass by on a beautiful picture. When I went back to get it for her the antique shop was not sign either. Then one day I was walking by and I saw the door open and the owner moving things. She explained her situation as she was moving some things to the antique store next door. I explained what I was looking for. She said it had already gone to the other shop where it was waiting for me. I was blessed to be there at the very right time. I guess my friend was supposed to get her items too. :)

    1. Aw, thank you Diane! Oh how lucky you found the picture - and your friend is lucky too, to have YOU to hunt it down for her. Great story! Yep, I always tell my daughter, if it was meant to be, it will work out.

      Thanks for stopping by!

  8. Oh yes, if that happens and you leave it behind, it will haunt you. Trust me on that.

    1. Oh I trust you alright... I'd rather not be haunted by a green fish... even one with big cutie eyes. ;)

  9. Yes I've done that before. You have to buy stuff when you see it.

    1. It seems that's the case for nearly everything nowadays, isn't it? Blink and it's gone....

  10. What a cute fish, but what is it for? I can't exactly tell if it's a vase or not. What plans do you have for it?

    1. Yep, it's a ceramic vase. It now adorns a shelf with some other mid-century ceramic vases that were too cute to pass by; a few squirrels and a deer. I thought the fish wouldn't fit in, but "Bubbles" looks right at home with the group.

  11. Things disappear too quickly at the thrifts - no time for indecision, I've learned that the hard way!

    1. You are so right... I've seen such an increase in thrift shoppers in the past year. It's getting harder and harder to find the good stuff.

  12. Maureen,
    I do that many times and I have realized that when that happens, it is best just to buy the item because if I don't, I will regret it ince I get home!!
    It sure is a cutie and I can see why yo were drawn to it!!

    Thanks so much for stopping by and for your sweet comment, my friend!!


    1. Thank you Debbie! It is always a pleasure to feast my eyes at your holiday decor!

  13. Oh yes I have!! I've even left the store, couldn't get it out of my mind and gone back saying 'if it's still there it's meant to be mine'! Cute find!

    1. Oh that is so me too! Thank you for stopping by!

  14. Hi Maureen, Oh I do this all the time and have learned just go ahead and get it or regret it. LOL
    Your ceramic fish vace is way cute and has a nice home now.
    Happy Thrifting.
    Hugs, Celestina Marie

    1. Yeah, I have learned the hard way too... sometimes there is someone else just behind you waiting for you to put something down... it can be gone that fast! Thanks!

  15. Hi Maureen,

    You were one of the winners of my Valentine Tea. Could you please forward me your address? Thank you.

    1. What a wonderful surprise! Oh too cool! Thank you so much... addy sent!

  16. ALL the time! lol usually Ill go back to moan over it until its mine! haha! Great piece, very original!


    1. Hahaha! Thanks Katherine! Hope you have dug out from that storm!

  17. Ohh, that's happened to me more times than I can count.... it was worth it, that's a cute little fish!!!

  18. Oh thank you Jill! I have to learn to trust my first instincts...


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