That has definitely changed this year. I'm loving the look my antiques and thrift store treasures are adding to my holiday decorations... while shopping for antiques for my studio, I've picked up a few older reindeer over the past year or so too:
I found the cutie with sleigh on eBay and it arrived here at the "Christmas Capital of Canada" (yep, Winnipeg's official title!) from warm, sunny Florida literally minutes ago!
And here are some recent finds at my local Goodwill and secondhand shops.
These great felt and feather cardinals from Goodwill...
... hiding inside a huge bag of greenery, bird's nests and pine cones. Two dollars for it all. They look great tucked into the pine boughs on my fireplace mantel.
The beautiful wired ribbon was 50 cents a roll. I also discovered these two treasures from Christmas past:
I was looking for a new (hopefully vintage!) tree topper for our smaller Christmas tree this year. So awesome to find this old blown glass topper in perfect condition, still in it's original box for a mere dollar! Then of course I HAD to bring home the little reindeer for only 49 cents; still encased in it's plastic bag...
These are a great addition to my other blown glass ornaments I got free this year at a local second-hand shop (see more about them HERE).
My next post will feature the wonderful treasures I found at a large Antique Show a few weeks back, and then I'll follow it up with a post on how I'm adding some into our living room holiday decor.
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