Friday, January 25, 2013

A Tisket A Tasket

Another sewing basket.

Actually another two baskets in fact...

Let me explain. Last week, (since this week even *I* refused to venture out to a thrift store when it's -40C) I went on my lunchhour walk to the second-hand store up the street from the hospital. They were in the process of cleaning out their basement and at the back of the store were pricing items for display. I spotted this even before it was priced:

Not bad for $10 - sure, more than at Goodwill, but this picnic basket is huge. It now serves as storage under my desk. The interesting thing was, as they were going through their stock, they would place items they didn't care to sell outside their front door for free. Yep, a whole table of stuff out on the sidewalk. So as I left the store, I thought I'd take a peek.

This is what I found stuffed into a cardboard box:

ANOTHER sewing basket. (If you missed my post about my FIRST sewing basket, you can find it HERE).


As soon as I opened it and saw it was filled with goodies, I plopped it into my picnic basket and brought it home. After an hour of cleaning up the tangles of thread, old zippers, receipts from 1978 and scrap fabric pieces, I found these sitting on the bottom:

Awesome. I just love the thrill of discovery. Even if it is only in a wicker basket or two.

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The Thrifty Groove

PS: A huge thank you to everyone visiting from Vicki's Grow Your Blog event! Your comments are too kind; I so enjoy connecting with new bloggers  -  and I have already made quite a few new bloggy friends! I myself am about halfway through the list of participants. Hopefully I can finish by Sunday!


  1. SO cool! It's not quite THAT cold here in Pittsburgh, but then again, we don't have any free tables with awesome sewing finds :-)

  2. What great finds! How fun! Makes me want to go thrift shopping.

  3. Aw, thanks everyone... I do have good luck finding some neat things. Oh and
    Acorn to Oak? Careful. Thrift shopping is addictive. :)

  4. I love finding treasures at the bottom of a purchase. Isn't it fun?!

  5. Girl, these are juuuuust lovely! You have a goodies radar and these are absolutely fab! :)



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